Saturday, February 21, 2009


In the workforce, some semblance of manners is expected when dealing with people. We need courtesy, it is a social lubricant. It also keeps us from tossing people from tall buildings, not that they may deserve it.

I thought I was close with a patient. she was about my age and we both have teenagers. I honestly don't remember saying anything out of line to her. I do remember her spawn being in the room.

The subject was Nazi's. Allegedly, I talked about Nazi's and the topic was enough to throw the faux southern belle into a swoon. I don't remember saying anything. Our kids are studying the Holocaust in school and have to read the book "Night". Seeing the book may have prompted a comment, i honestly don't know.

My Uncle liberated a concentration camp and my father fought the Battle of the Bulge. I have no Nazi leanings I promise.

Back to the uproar. Supposedly, due to thier Christian belief (did I mention I was raised Catholic?) the subject of Nazi's is too harrowing for their mindset and they simply cannot abide my presence any longer.

oh dear, my paycheck is now cut in half.
Had I uttered a "sieg hiel" or talked about Hitler's dreamy eyes, I could understand the outrage. What really brasses me off, is the teenager.

More than once she missed the bus and I took her to school (let me also mention the nursing services are paid by the taxpayer, the client pays nothing.) She asked me to take her to a fast food restaurant before we went to school. I said fine.

This budding epitome of Christian womanhood did nothing but talk about how niggers shouldn't be at her school and she wished the county would re-segregate.
I remained a professional and said nothing.

Had I actually held Nazi leanings, I would have explained to the little darling that the handicapped would have been listed among the unworthy and she and mumsy would have a government paid vacation to the detainment center of its choice.

so all I can say is "wow". The crime of sixty years past will be held against a person with a word, while the crimes of 40 years past are celebrated.

May God forgive us.

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